Monday, 8 September 2008

From the mouth of babes

I thought it was about time I wrote you a letter to let you know what I’ve been up to down here in Wellington. I’ve been so busy growing and learning new things that I don’t quite know where to start!

Right now I’m having my morning nap (my mum’s typing this up for me). Today I might have a long 2 hour sleep and wake up happy and refreshed. This is my favourite kind of nap. However, sometimes I wake up after 45 minutes and am a bit grizzly and just can’t get back to sleep again...yip…here I go…”Muuuuum. Muuuum. Muuuuuuuuuum”….unless mum gives me a warm, milky drink...”oh, so sleepy…can’t…keep…my…eyes…open…any…longer”.

Right, where were we. My brain is growing so fast my mum can hardly keep up! I find it pretty boring just hanging out at home – unless someone is playing ‘peek-a-boo’ or horsey rides, or some other interactive game with me. I also like watching mum and dad when they’re doing stuff like cooking or making me a mobile or dancing. Watching mum when she’s typing on the computer is bor-ring! Luckily, we go out for lots of walks so I can see all kinds of new things – if I don’t fall asleep that is!

Mum and Dad keep telling me there’s no rush to get moving but I can’t wait. I’m trying my hardest to sit up and think I should have mastered this in the next month or so. I can already roll from from belly to my back, though I’m not quite sure how I do this – it just kind of happens sometimes when I’m trying to do something else like reach for my toy or look over my shoulder. Apparently I have something called a ‘jolly jumper’ arriving this weekend. Not quite sure what this is but mum and dad say I’m going to have lots of fun playing on it – sounds good to me

Oh yeah, the best news – on the first day of spring I learnt how to laugh! I was happily playing ‘kick-and-splash’ in the bath when my Mum let out an enormous sneeze. Boy did I get a fright! But then I felt a funny feeling in my tummy and out came a gurgling, rolling laugh. It felt so good! My mum sneezed again setting us both off in fits of laughter. Then dad arrived home from work and he sneezed too and it was general hilarity all round. Like rolling over, I’m not quite sure how laughter happens – it just pops out sometimes. So, I can’t do command performances yet but I am working on it!

At the moment I’m pretty fixated with putting anything and everything I can lay my hands on into my mouth (just like mum and dad are always doing). I can’t wait till I’m allowed to try some real food, but mum and dad say I have to wait till I’m a bit older. Oooooha.

1 comment:

Laura said...

oh my goodness. beautifully written about a beautiful lass. what a little killer!
Its not often I feel clucky, but that worked!
Better read up on them birds and bees...